Thursday, 5 May 2016

Evaluation 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
Buzz words
On my front cover, I used engaging language (buzz words) to attract readers. These buzz words include 'Exclusive', 'Greatest' and 'Free'. This is an effective way of drawing in audiences. By using the phrase 'Exclusive interview' in my main headline, there are implications that this is the only magazine that includes this interview. In my sell-line, I use the phrase 'The Greatest pop magazine of all time'. This line would draw in audiences as it guarantees quality. I also use the word 'Free' in the phrase '3 Free posters!'. As this word is bold, a readers attention is drawn to it. Also, the exclamation mark at the end makes the phrase seem more exciting.

My masthead is in the largest font that I have used throughout my entire magazine. It is white that contrasts against the black background and therefore stands out quite a lot. It contains a quaver in the place of the letter 'n' which connotes my magazine to music. This would then instantly inform audiences that my magazine is a music magazine. It is also short, consisting of only 4 letters, which would further attract my audience.

The image that I use on my cover is potentially the first thing that would be seen on my magazine. It is a medium close up shot of the model who I also use on my contents page and double page spread. This shows that he is the main focus of the magazine and, if he were a real artist, fans of his music would be attracted to my magazine.

House Style
The house style throughout my music magazine is white and black. In my opinion, it makes my magazine look formal. This would draw in audiences as the formal style suggests that my magazine is of good quality.

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