Sunday, 25 September 2016

Internet Feminism

It is quite common on the internet to see both negative representations of feminists and negative attitudes from bigots. This can be seen simply through typing "Feminism" in Googles search box where, after "Feminism definition", "Feminism is cancer" is the second highest recommended search.

Negative representations of feminism:

Almost every large social group suffers from negative representation and a vocal minority of idiots. This plays a big part in the creation of stereotypes. Feminism is no stranger to stereotypes with a stereotypical feminist being crazy and angry man-haters. This, of cource, is not true. These stereotypes are, however, regularly presented on internet articles and YouTube videos. An example of this is a video by the very large business known as Buzzfeed who are now worth billions of dollars. This video is entitled "36 Questions Women Have For Men".

In this video, valid topics are addressed such as equal pay. However, this video became highly controversial due to its statements against men. One of the people in the video says that men "talk about boobs for hours" and that they "automatically assume that you [men] won't like a movie because it Stars a female lead". Due to this, the video gained 191 thousand dislikes and added to the stereotype of "all feminists hate men".

A video called "Hugh Mungus" has been circulating rapidly recently. The video takes place during the American police protests. A man is seen being interviewed by the woman recording. She is angry at him as he is defending the police. After he is interviewed, she asks for his name and he jokingly says "Hugh Mungus" causing the woman beind the camera to start shouting that he is sexually harassing her.

This negatively portrays feminists to be stereotypically crazy men-haters.

Negative attitudes towards feminists:

Along with negative representations of femists, there is also a lot of hate on the internet towards feminism from internet trolls. The term "femi-nazi" is regularly used by these trolls. I went on the forum site "Reddit" and found multiple anti-feminist "Sub-Reddits". On this, I discovered a lot of horrible posts saying things like "women shouldn't have the right to vote" and "feminism has a special place in hell". On the other hand, the subreddit called "feminism" was filled with civilised discussions about gender equality.

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