Sunday, 18 October 2015

Trainspotting assessment

The scene begins with a shot of a man lying on the floor. This shot uses non-diegetic sound in the form of a voice over to set the scene and to give an insight into the mind of this character. He then stands up and his digetic loud footsteps are heard as he runs to increase the pace of the scene. There is also parallel digetic music being played which makes the set seem more horrible due to it being a rough noise. The man then uses digetic dialogue when having a conversation with another character about quitting drugs, stating "I'm finished with that shite". His Scottish accent and vulgar language creates an audience's opinion on the character to be an angry and violent person. The dialogue between the two characters is used to create comedy due to them talking about irrelevant things such as "Sean Connery". The titles of "Trainspotting" then roll in the next shot with a loud non-digetic train noise being heard to make the audience more analytical, questioning what connection the film has with trainspotting. The train noise then softens into silence while the titles are still in shot. During this, a door being opened is heard and this is used to create a sound bridge between the titles and the next shot where a door is being opened (meaning that the sound is digetic). Non-digetic music is used during this scene. This music is happy and upbeat, meaning that it is contrapuntal because the non-digetic voice over that is also being heard is talking of disgusting things (starting the effects of quitting drugs). The scene ends with a shot of the main character being given pills by another character and him abruptly saying "what the fuck are these?" to create a comedic effect.

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