Thursday, 22 October 2015

Completed Cover Page and Contents Page

Contents Page 7

Now I have added a fourth yellow box using the rectangle tool to ensure that the layout of my contents page is tidy. I have also assed text in the top left corner using the same issue number and season and that on my cover page. This is to keep constantly throughout my magazine. Also, I realised that the cover page of a magazine is page one and therefore edited the text in the "Contents" box to read "2-3.Best ever GCSE results" rather than "1-2.Best ever GCSE results".

Contents Page 6

I have now added a 3rd yellow box to my contents page using the rectangle tool. In this box, I have placed text with the title "A word from the head". I did this to decrease the amount of empty space on my page. However, due to this not being an essential aspect, the text in the box just says "blah....." repeatedly.

Contents Page 5

I have now used the rectangle tool to create another yellow box. I then used the text tool to add information as to what is in the magazine. I also preferred the name of the school being on the right hand side and therefore, I changed it.

Contents Page 4

I have now added the name of the school in text onto my contents page. This uses the same font, text and colour as the title on my cover page however, it is smaller due to the fact that it does not have to be as predominant.

Contents Page 3

I have now used the paint bucked tool on my contents page. The background is now exactly the same orange colour as my title page to keep a consistent house style.

Contents Page 2

I then added a box around the picture by using the rectangle tool to ensure that my contents page is organised. This box is the same yellow colour as the one on my cover page to keep the house style.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Contents Page 1

I opened photoshop for my contents page. I created a new page and made the size of the page have a width of 42cm and a height of 59.8cm. This is due to the fact that this is the size of a portrait A4 piece of paper.

I then created a new layer from background and after that, added the three pictures that I wanted to use for my contents page.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Trainspotting assessment

The scene begins with a shot of a man lying on the floor. This shot uses non-diegetic sound in the form of a voice over to set the scene and to give an insight into the mind of this character. He then stands up and his digetic loud footsteps are heard as he runs to increase the pace of the scene. There is also parallel digetic music being played which makes the set seem more horrible due to it being a rough noise. The man then uses digetic dialogue when having a conversation with another character about quitting drugs, stating "I'm finished with that shite". His Scottish accent and vulgar language creates an audience's opinion on the character to be an angry and violent person. The dialogue between the two characters is used to create comedy due to them talking about irrelevant things such as "Sean Connery". The titles of "Trainspotting" then roll in the next shot with a loud non-digetic train noise being heard to make the audience more analytical, questioning what connection the film has with trainspotting. The train noise then softens into silence while the titles are still in shot. During this, a door being opened is heard and this is used to create a sound bridge between the titles and the next shot where a door is being opened (meaning that the sound is digetic). Non-digetic music is used during this scene. This music is happy and upbeat, meaning that it is contrapuntal because the non-digetic voice over that is also being heard is talking of disgusting things (starting the effects of quitting drugs). The scene ends with a shot of the main character being given pills by another character and him abruptly saying "what the fuck are these?" to create a comedic effect.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Magazine Cover 7

I have now added more text under the masthead which says "Issue 1". This is to show that this is a magazine.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Magazine Cover 6

I have now added an image into the yellow box. This is the logo for 'The Wedding Singer' which is the show being referenced in the text in the box.

Magazine Cover 5

I have now added a yellow box to my magazine cover using the rectangle tool and put text inside that box which gives an insight into what is in the magazine (the text being the same colour and font as my masthead and subtitle).

Rectangle Tool

Magazine Cover 4

I have now added a subtitle to my cover page. This subtitle is the same colour and font as the text in the masthead I added, it is just at a smaller size (70 pt) and below the masthead. This is to ensure that a consistent style is kept.

Magazine Cover 3

Then, I added a masthead to my magazine cover "Youngershaw News". This masthead is in the font style of Times New Roman, the masthead is above the image of my actor, the size of the font is 200pt and the colour of the text is blue.

Magazine Cover 2

The next step I took when creating my magazine cover was adding an orange background. I achieved this by creating a new layer behind my original layer and then using the paint bucket tool. This is what my magazine cover currently looks like.
Paint Bucket Tool

Magazine Cover 1

With the picture I chose, I began creating my magazine cover page. I opened the picture with photoshop, created a new background from layer and then used the eraser tool to remove the background. This is what my cover page currently looks like.
Eraser Tool


Today I took some pictures from around the school that I believe are suitable for my contents page.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Important Links


Mike Liddell:

Mr Natton:


1. This is a two-shot and it uses high key lighting.
2. This shot is a medium close up shot which uses low key lighting which makes the scene more eerie, creates tension and makes the character seem suspicious.
3. The shot is a low angle shot and it uses high key lighting to make the actress seem confident.
4. This shot is a high angle shot using low key lighting to make the woman seem scared and weak.
5. The shot is a long shot which uses filters as lighting. It makes the audience focus on the killer and the victim. It creates mystery as the killer is due to him being distant and shadowed while the body is lit up.
6. Light filters are used from the open door so focus is put upon the woman (who is lit up and in the middle of the shot) rather than the shadowed out men at the side.
7. This shot is a close up using low key lighting. It makes the audience focus on the facial expression of the actor.
8. The shot is a two shot of an actor and actress. Its uses low key lighting and puts focus on the couple due to the background being blurred.
9. This shot is an over the shoulder shot which uses filters and low key lighting to create a bleak mood. Focus is put upon the mirror.